Whispering Wings & Wooden Blocks
From the back cover of Whispering Wings & Wooden Blocks:
This book chronicles the lifelong adventures and misadventures of a dedicated duck hunter and wooden decoy carver and collector. From the opening statement of one of the chapters which reads . . .
“I hate opening day. The only good thing about opening day is that a day or two after that some serious duck hunting can begin.”
. . . to the author’s casual mention of “my decoy room” as if every home has one, the stage is set for an often humorous, sometimes informative, occasionally poignant look at the life of a Wisconsin sportsman over five decades.
Never losing his awe or becoming disenchanted with the sport of waterfowling or with his unending quest for old wooden hunting decoys, the author’s experiences and viewpoints are intricately tied to the time period over which he hunted and to his chronological age, and his tales reflect that fact. He is able to transport himself back to earlier times to recapture and relate events as easily as if they happened yesterday.
In conjunction with Behind the Back Shelf we are offering Ron Koch’s classic book, Whispering Wings & Wooden Blocks, at the same low price of $15 with free shipping ($20 Canada). This soft cover reprint of the 1997 best seller has been updated with additional text and more photos.
Order as many as you like for only $15 post paid.